In this tutorial, we will explore how RJMetrics composite charts can be used to study your your data through various ratios. RJMetrics’ composite chart feature allows you to use existing charts to create new series through calculations (e.g. “revenue” – “cost”) or overlay them on a single chart.

Please check out this quick video tutorial to get familiar with the composite chart editor.

Orders per pageview


  • a Google Analytics connection established in RJMetrics
  • “Number of orders” chart that reports the number of orders over time.
  • “Pageviews” chart from Google Analytics

This report shows the ratio of number of orders over the number of pageviews over time. The higher this number, the better your website is at converting visitors into buyers.

Here’s how to create this report:

  1. Start the composite chart editor via Add Chart -> Create Composite Chart in the dashboard menu.
  2. Using the “add inputs” drop-down menu, add the “number of orders” chart and the “pageviews” charts as sources. They will each be assigned a letter (e.g. [A] and [B]).
  3. In the “add series” section, input “[A]/[B]” as the formula, where [A] = “number of orders” and [B] = “pageviews”. Then give this series a name such as “orders over pageviews” and click “add.”
  4. Click “done creating series.”
  5. Complete step 2 of the composite chart wizard and make sure to set the “output units” as percent (%).
  6. Preview and save the chart.

Percent of first day buyers


  • “New users” chart that reports the number of new users over time

This report shows the ratio of users that made a first purchase on their registration day. The higher this number, the better your website is at converting new members into buyers on their first day.

Here’s how to create this report:

  1. Save As your existing “new users” chart and name the new copy “new users who bought in the 1st day.”
    1. Under the “Filter by” tab, add a filter for “seconds between 1st purchase and user’s creation date” <= 86400.  (Note that there are 86,400 seconds in a day.)
    2. Your new “new users who bought in the 1st day” chart now shows the number of new users that made a purchase within 24 hours of their registration.
  2. Start the composite chart editor via Add Chart -> Create Composite Chart in the dashboard menu.
    1. Using the “add inputs” drop-down menu, add the “new users” chart and the “new users who bought in the 1st day” chart as sources. They will each be assigned a letter (e.g. [A] and [B]).
    2. In the “add series” section, input “[B]/[A]” as the formula, if [A] = “new users” and [B] = “new users who bought in the 1st day”. Then give this series a name such as “percent of first day buyers” and click “add”.
    3. Click “done creating series.”
    4. Complete step 2 of the composite chart wizard and make sure to set the “output units” as percent (%).
    5. Preview and save the chart.

Number of items per order


  • “Number of items sold” chart that reports the quantity of products sold over time
  • “Number of orders” chart that reports the number of orders over time

This report shows the number of items sold per order. Retailers who are able to drive this number upward often have better cross-selling techniques and higher average order values.

Here’s how to create this report:

  1. Start the composite chart editor via Add Chart -> Create Composite Chart in the dashboard menu.
  2. Using the “add inputs” drop-down menu, add the “number of items sold” chart and the “number of orders” chart as sources. They will each be assigned a letter (e.g. [A] and [B]).
  3. In the “add series” section, input “[A]/[B]” as the formula, if [A] = “number of items sold” and [B] = “number of orders”. Then give this series a name such as “items per order” and click “add.”
  4. Click “done creating series.”
  5. Complete step 2 of the composite chart wizard.
  6. Preview and save the chart.

If you need any help creating some of these reports or would like to perform even deeper analysis, simply contact us via “Help” -> “Contact Support” from your dashboard.