When you enter into any kind of venture capital deal, you’ll undoubtedly encounter a document called a term sheet. Term sheets can be as short as a single page, but they serve as the blueprint for your entire deal. If you don’t know your pro-rata rights from your preferred stock, you might be signing away a lot more than you bargained for.
In this episode of Data Point of the Week, Robert J. Moore presents 25 things that you might find in a venture capital term sheet. This, is DPOW!
Man Holding Contract, Old Book Pile, Video Camera, Contract Signing, Big Business Paper Pile, Green Certificate, Red Certificate, Dollar Sign Jewelry, Orange Supercar, US Dollars Banknotes, Group of Business People, Stack of Papers, Happy Old Senior, Shocked Senior, Success and Fortune, Young Man Paying Bills, Hands Exchanging Money, Young Man Covering Mouth, Happy Young Piggyback, via Shutterstock.