It’s nearly impossible to keep up with all of the quality data science articles and blog posts that are out there. Though that doesn’t stop us from trying — you can check out our latest Data Science Roundup here. We also caught up with data scientists from Kaggle, GrubHub, ShopKeep, Uber, Insightly, and Grovo to find out what blogs are always at the top of their reading lists.

Will Cukierski

Head of Competitions & Data Scientist at Kaggle

Will says he “jumps around a lot” when he reads blogs, sampling bits and pieces from a variety of sources. Overall he enjoys three blogs in particular: MLWave, O’Reilly’s data newsletter, and KDNuggets. He also keeps close tabs on Reddit’s machine learning discussion thread — the perfect place for any data scientist to stay on top of trending topics.

Sara Vera

Data Scientist at Insightly

Sara, the creator of the Data Scientist Starter Kit, enjoys FiveThirtyEight for its data-driven coverage on the inner workings of politics and civic engagement. FiveThirtyEight speaks to Sara’s original training as a social scientist in academia.

In addition, Sara keeps tabs on blog posts by fellow female data scientists, including: Hilary Mason, Clare Corthell, June Andrews, and Julie Evans.

William Wolf

Data Scientist at ShopKeep

William reads data blogs, in his own words, “aggressively.” His list of favorites in no particular order includes: DataTau, FastML, no free hunch, DataOrigami, yHat, CountBayesie, Edwin Chen’s Blog, and MLWave.

Robert Reese

Data Scientist at Uber

Robert’s favorite blog is The Data Incubator for three reasons: they share large amounts of technical content (like this post) that he says keeps him sharp, they write prolifically about data science hiring (like this post), and for PhDs looking to become data scientists The Data Incubator does a great job highlighting people making that transition (like this post).

Rodrigo Aramayo

Data Scientist at Grovo

Rodrigo gave another vote to Edwin Chen’s Blog for “the practical examples and compelling work.” More specifically, it’s the way data is presented, “I love the charts and the use of them to tell a story rather than a glorified appendix.”

Whether you love or hate R, R-bloggers is a must-read. Rodrigo says, “When R is driving me crazy with some package conflict, I can often find a solution…or at least a person to commiserate with.”

For a less tactical take on data science, Rodrigo recommends two blogs:

  • Flowing Data, which he admits to visiting more often than Instagram.
  • Graphic Detail – The Economist, which is perfect for a recovering economist like Rodrigo to “learn more about methods being used by data folks outside tech.”

Eric Farng

Senior Data Scientist at GrubHub

Eric recommends two blogs written by statistics professors. Simply Statistics, the blog from the professors behind the popular Data Science specialization on Coursera, where they do interviews, give tips on analysis, and comment on statistical things in the news. And, a professor at Columbia University who writes posts about causal inference, shares replies to questions that people ask him, and can also get a bit more technical when writing about common issues statisticians run into.

If you’re ready to spend a whole weekend immersing yourself in the world of data science, we compiled a list of 150+ data science blogs. Check it out and don’t forget to add the blogs listed above to your Feedly.
